Started From an Old Milk Barn…
Now we here.
We love repurposing and restoring. Our promise is to maintain our sustainable brewing process, from harvesting grain to feed. See that perdy picture? Our colors were inspired by the beautiful sunsets that frequent Klamath Falls’ skyline (sound familiar?). Follow along below to see how we came up!

Dear Lovers of Good Beer,
We are full-time family farmers just South of Klamath Falls, OR. We produce mostly certified organic alfalfa, wheat, barley, purebred bulls and commercial cattle. After catching Craft Beer Fever, we felt Klamath County definitely had room for another brewery compared to the number of breweries pretty much…everywhere else! Our brewery is a part of our farm and provides another way for us to utilize and reuse what we produce on the farm. Some of the barley growing on the farm right now will be used in our beers this fall. Our cows eat the spent grain.
Big things can only be accomplished by a team effort, and Skyline wouldn’t have happened without a lot of people and their willingness to share their passions and talents. In the farm world, my brother and I are very different, which make us a strong team. I do well with living things and science, I can’t weld to save my life. Conversely, Ry has a brilliant mechanical mind and is happiest in the seat of a tractor, or accomplishing something others think impossible. He also gets highly irritated when he has to be around cows for over…5 minutes. One way or another, our abilities have always worked fluidly (like beer, for example) together and pushed each other much further than we could have gone as individuals. Teamwork makes the dream work.
Another key person to our team is our good friend, Derek Pallett, of D&R Ag. Technology, or “Smart Guy”. This is due to the multitude of things he’s helped to accomplish in the brewery that has blown our minds. He’s been the mastermind behind our electrical systems, and although our brewery was largely made from second hand stuff, it’s as technologically advanced as any. Cody Jackson of Pacific Plumbers not only did our plumbing, but also provided the vision for many things, from the radiant heated floor, to the interior layout of the building. He did a great job, and we are thrilled with the result! Day in and day out, we are also very appreciative of Levi Newell and his many different contributions to getting here and keeping us going each day. We have also been thrilled to work with Klamath Falls’ own Impressions Design + Marketing. They’ve done a fantastic job on everything from designing our logo to building our website. They have the same passion for making things look cool that we have for making tasty beer!
One way the brewing community amazes us is how everyone helps each other. Without a lot of our fellow brewers’ time and advice, we wouldn’t even be in the starting blocks. Rod Kucera of Mia and Pia’s Pizzeria and Brewhouse, Del Azevedo and Cory Zschoche of Klamath Basin Brewing, the crew at Old 99 Brewing in Roseburg, OR, Trevor Frazier of Defeat River Brewing in Reedsport, OR, Tony Lawrence of Boneyard Beer in Bend, OR, and Chris Hernstrom of Bolo Beer in Valentine, NE have been absolutely awesome and their willingness to share their vast knowledge made this possible. Thank you!
Ty Kliewer
Co-Owner/Master Taste Tester
Phase 1
Good thing we didn’t know how much work we were actually getting ourselves into. Ignorance really can be bliss…Luckily, it turned out!
Phase 2
Since we had to redo the floor, why not make them heated? Thanks for the help on this one, Cody Jackson of Pacific Plumbers. Now to make them pretty and prepped to hold our super awesome brewing system!
Phase 3
Now we’re talking! All the help from family and friends was so invaluable to us. Wait, you mean we’re not done yet??
Phase 4
Look at all our shiny stuff! Let the brewing (and organizing) begin.
Phase 5
Here we have our brew kettle and heat exchanger (left) and our big fermenters (right). Our mash vessel and big fermenters were saved from scrap. In Maui, of all places.
Drink it in. Another huge thank you to everyone who helped! We’re so excited to spread the love of craft beer with our community and fancy ‘new’ Brew Barn.
Around Our Farm…
Although the hours are long, we truly love our work. We have a great appreciation for the way we live. We have a great passion for making beer, and can’t wait to share it with you!